Meriah McCauley

Meriah McCauley is passionate about the art and science of holistic health and healing. She explored the power of yoga through working with her mentor and guru Dr. Don Stapleton in Costa Rica. She also received a Masters in Psychology from Columbia University, specializing in Spirituality and the MindBody connection. Meriah now offers coaching, yoga teacher trainings, and Holotropic Breathwork for personal development. She loves to connect with those on this path.


Chakra Symbols

Uncover the meanings and significance behind chakra symbols in this insightful article. Explore the visual language of energy centers, understanding... Read more


Chakra Stones And Crystals

Explore the mystical world of chakra stones and crystals in our comprehensive guide. Discover how these vibrant stones can promote emotional... Read more


Root Chakra

The Root Chakra, or Muladhara chakra, is the first of the seven main chakras in the entire chakra system and is located around the coccyx or... Read more


What is a Mantra

Mantras, an ancient, sacred phrases that promote mental clarity, spiritual growth, and well-being through sound vibration and focused intention. ... Read more


Chakra Colors

Understand the significance of each color in the chakra system and learn practical ways to incorporate them into healing practices. From meditation... Read more


Solar Plexus Chakra

Uncover the significance of the solar plexus energy center and learn how to balance and activate it. Simple yet effective techniques to harness... Read more


Ashtanga Yoga Poses

Dive into the transformative world of Ashtanga yoga poses, a dynamic and structured practice that enhances strength, flexibility, and mental clarity.... Read more


Crown Chakra

Delve into the essence of the Crown Chakra and discover methods to open, balance, and align this spiritual energy center. Unlock the transformative... Read more


Third Eye Chakra

Discover the profound benefits and practical techniques to awaken your third eye. Get insights into enhancing intuition, expanding consciousness, and... Read more


Throat Chakra

Learn how to nurture and balance your Throat Chakra for effective communication and self-expression. Explore practical tips to enhance your ability... Read more


Heart Chakra

Discover the key to emotional balance and compassion by exploring the nuances of the heart chakra. Unlock practical techniques to open and align this... Read more


Sacral Chakra

Explore the vitality of the Sacral Chakra and learn how to cultivate creativity, passion, and emotional balance. Discover practical techniques to... Read more



Have you ever found yourself in a yoga class, a peaceful meditation session, or perhaps even lying down during a sound healing session, and heard the... Read more


What is a Mudra

Mudras, an ancient practice of symbolic hand gestures that can enhance your meditation, yoga, and overall wellness. Learn the meanings, benefits, and... Read more


Nada Yoga

Explore Nada Yoga, the yoga of sound, for inner transformation through sound vibrations and ancient Indian techniques. Nada Yoga Explained Embark on... Read more


Bedtime Yoga

Learn bedtime yoga for a better night's sleep. From gentle yoga poses to deep breathing techniques, these routines can enhance sleep quality. ... Read more