Clint Johnson

Clint is the driving force and founder of Anahana. Clint teaches Yoga, Pilates, mindful breathing, and meditation, catering to a global community of students and teachers.


4-7-8 Breathing

Use 4-7-8 breathing technique for stress relief and better sleep. Discover how this simple practice can improve your overall health. Key Takeaways ... Read more


Box Breathing

Square breathing, also known as box breathing, is a versatile relaxation technique embraced in diverse environments—from the calming corners of... Read more


Paradoxical Breathing

Understand and manage paradoxical breathing - its symptoms, causes, effects, and treatments—essential knowledge for better respiratory health. ... Read more


Mindful Breathing

Unlock your inner calm and reduce stress with mindful breathing exercises. Explore these simple yet effective techniques to reduce anxiety, improve... Read more


Buteyko Breathing

Step into the world of Buteyko breathing, a holistic revelation crafted by Dr. Konstantin Buteyko. Centered around the natural art of nasal breathing... Read more


Diaphragmatic Breathing

Unlock a hidden gem in wellness with diaphragmatic breathing – a simple, yet transformative technique. Whether you're an athlete aiming for peak... Read more


Tummo Breathing

Step into the realm of Tummo breathing, an enigmatic technique steeped in ancient Tibetan tradition. Known as the 'inner fire' meditation, this... Read more


Breathing Techniques

Embark on a transformative journey with the power of breathing techniques at your fingertips. Dive into these time-honored practices to not only... Read more


Breathing Exercises

Imagine unlocking ancient secrets that have rejuvenated minds and bodies for millennia. For thousands of years, Eastern cultures have mastered the... Read more



Breathwork includes multiple types of breathing exercises and techniques which provide many benefits, including reducing stress, decreasing blood... Read more