
Last Updated: May 17, 2024

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Wellbeing is a multi-dimensional concept that encompasses a multitude of interconnected factors.

Recent studies published in the International Journal of Wellbeing have further validated the complexity of achieving optimal physical, mental, and social health, emphasizing its significance beyond the mere absence of illness.

It is widely recognized as the optimal state of physical, mental, and social health, encompassing far more than simply the absence of mental or physical illness.

Key Takeaways

  • Positive emotion and good relationships are crucial for achieving optimal health and well being.

  • Measuring wellbeing helps understand factors that contribute to someone's life satisfaction and a good life.

  • Social harmony and strong connections enhance overall wellbeing, as supported by research in social sciences like from Stanford university.

  • Insights from positive psychology and sources like Psychology Today highlight the importance of holistic wellbeing.

Definition of Wellbeing

Wellbeing, a complex and multifaceted concept, is commonly understood as optimal physical, mental, and social health beyond the mere absence of illness. It encompasses a holistic approach to living a fulfilling and satisfying life.

In positive psychology, subjective wellbeing (SWB) is a widely studied construct that focuses on an individual’s self-perceived happiness and life satisfaction. It considers positive affect, negative affect, and overall life satisfaction as critical components of wellbeing. This perspective emphasizes the importance of positive emotions, personal fulfillment, and a sense of purpose in one’s life. A notable publication by Oxford University Press on this topic delves into the science of well-being, offering insights from positive psychology research and the philosophical understanding of happiness and well-being.

Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines wellbeing as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition emphasizes the holistic nature of wellbeing, encompassing physical health and mental and social dimensions.

To cultivate wellbeing, developing and nurturing specific wellbeing skills are essential. These skills include self-awareness, resilience, emotional regulation, mindfulness, and fostering positive social connections. Individuals can enhance their overall wellbeing by engaging in activities that promote physical health, practicing self-care, nurturing supportive relationships, and adopting positive thinking patterns.

Wellbeing encompasses a multidimensional and holistic approach to leading a fulfilling life. It involves nurturing physical, mental, and social health factors while emphasizing positive emotions, life satisfaction, and a sense of purpose.

Types of Wellbeing

Emotional and Mental Well Being


Emotional wellbeing empowers us to cultivate a positive self-image, navigate emotions gracefully, and foster nurturing relationships. Through practicing self-compassion, seeking joy and fulfillment, and nurturing meaningful connections, it’s possible to unlock the richness of the emotional landscape and foster resilience.

The term refers to one's overall emotional health and the ability to navigate and manage emotions in daily life effectively. It encompasses a range of experiences and factors that have positive and negative affect. Several key elements contribute to emotional wellbeing, including self-esteem, social connections, and coping mechanisms.

Self-esteem plays a crucial role in emotional wellbeing. It involves a person's overall evaluation of their self-worth and is closely tied to feelings of confidence, competence, and self-acceptance. Individuals with a healthy level of self-esteem tend to experience higher levels of emotional wellbeing, as they are more resilient in the face of challenges and have a positive outlook on themselves and their abilities.

In Practice

Social connections and support networks are vital contributors to emotional well being. Maintaining healthy relationships and having a sense of belonging and connection with others can foster feelings of happiness, security, and fulfillment. Strong social ties provide opportunities for emotional expression, understanding, and support during challenging times.

Coping mechanisms also play a significant role in emotional well being. Developing adaptive coping strategies, such as problem-solving, seeking professional help when needed, engaging in physical activity, and practicing relaxation techniques, can enhance emotional wellbeing. These strategies help individuals effectively manage stress, reduce the frequency of feeling overwhelmed, and promote a sense of control over their emotions.

Physical Health and Wellbeing

Physical wellbeing refers to the state of optimal physical health and vitality. It encompasses various physical health factors, including fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness. Several factors contribute to an individual's physical well being, such as engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining a balanced diet, practicing good sleep hygiene, and managing stress effectively.

In Practice

Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for promoting physical wellbeing. Exercise improves cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility and releases endorphins that enhance mood and overall wellbeing. Activities such as brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, and strength training can help improve physical fitness and contribute to an overall sense of vitality.

Maintaining a balanced diet plays a significant role in physical wellbeing. Consuming various nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, provides the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and energy. A balanced diet supports optimal bodily functions, boosts the immune system, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Adequate sleep is essential for physical wellbeing. Quality sleep enables the body to restore and rejuvenate, supporting optimal physical functioning. Establishing a regular sleep routine, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and practicing relaxation techniques can help improve sleep quality and promote physical wellbeing.

Effective stress management is another vital aspect of physical wellbeing. Chronic stress can harm physical health, leading to various physical illnesses and impairing overall wellbeing.

Stress-reducing activities such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, yoga, leisure activities, or other hobbies can help alleviate stress and promote physical wellbeing.

Incorporating specific activities into daily life can further enhance physical wellbeing. These may include regular exercise routines, such as aerobic exercises, strength training, or yoga sessions. Activities like taking regular breaks from sitting, practicing good posture, avoiding excessive alcohol and tobacco use and staying hydrated, contribute to physical wellbeing.



Social wellbeing refers to the quality and satisfaction of an individual's social relationships and interactions. It encompasses the sense of belonging, connection, and support within various social networks, such as family, friends, and communities. Numerous factors contribute to someone's social wellbeing, including positive social connections, a sense of belonging, effective communication, and engagement in social activities.

In Practice

Positive social connections are essential for social wellbeing. Building and maintaining healthy relationships with others provides a sense of companionship, emotional support, and a network of individuals to share experiences and challenges with. These connections can be fostered through mutual interests, shared values, and genuine interactions.

A sense of belonging contributes significantly to social wellbeing. Feeling accepted, valued, and included in social groups or communities provides a foundation for meaningful connections. Being part of a community or participating in groups that align with personal interests or values can promote a sense of identity and connectedness.

Effective communication skills play a vital role in social wellbeing. Clear and respectful communication helps build trust, understanding, and meaningful connections with others. Active listening, empathy, and authentic expression contribute to positive interactions and deepened relationships.

Engagement in social activities enhances social wellbeing. Participating in social events, volunteering, joining clubs or organizations, and participating in community initiatives provide opportunities for social connections, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. These activities promote a sense of belonging and contribute to the overall fabric of social wellbeing.

Social wellbeing revolves around the quality of an individual's social relationships and interactions. Positive social connections, a sense of belonging, effective communication, and engagement in social activities are key contributors to social wellbeing. By nurturing these aspects, we can foster meaningful connections, develop a sense of belonging, and enrich social connections.



Workplace wellbeing embraces the interplay between positive social interactions, work-life balance, organizational support, and a nourishing work environment. By fostering camaraderie, seeking harmony between personal and professional lives, and advocating for supportive work cultures, one unlocks the potential for satisfaction and fulfillment in a career.

In Practice

Workplace wellbeing refers to the optimal physical, mental, and social health experienced by individuals within their professional setting. It encompasses various aspects, including job satisfaction, work-life balance, positive social interactions, and a supportive work environment. Several factors contribute to someone's workplace wellbeing, including positive social connections, work-life balance, organizational support, and a healthy work environment.

Positive social connections play a crucial role in workplace wellbeing. Cultivating positive relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and teams fosters a sense of camaraderie, collaboration, and support, all frequently positively affecting one’s mental well being. Positive social interactions contribute to a sense of belonging, enhance job satisfaction, and promote overall wellbeing in the workplace.

Work-life balance is a significant contributor to workplace wellbeing. Striking a healthy equilibrium between work responsibilities and personal life allows individuals to recharge, pursue personal interests, and maintain physical and mental health. Organizations that prioritize work-life balance through flexible schedules, leave policies, and supportive practices contribute to the wellbeing of their employees.

Organizational support is essential for workplace wellbeing. Organizational support includes providing opportunities for growth and development, recognizing and rewarding employee contributions, and fostering a positive work culture. Supportive policies, such as employee assistance programs, wellness initiatives, and open communication channels, contribute to a positive work environment and overall wellbeing.

Creating a healthy work environment is crucial for workplace wellbeing. Creating a healthy work environment involves promoting physical wellbeing through ergonomic workstations, opportunities for

Workplace wellbeing encompasses various factors contributing to an optimal working experience. Positive social connections, work-life balance, organizational support, and a healthy work environment are essential for fostering workplace wellbeing.

By prioritizing these aspects, organizations can create a positive and supportive workplace culture that promotes the wellbeing of their employees, leading to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and overall quality of life.



Societal wellbeing dances to the rhythm of economic prosperity, social cohesion, access to a free press, and favorable living conditions. Advocating for fair economic systems, nurturing social connections, valuing the importance of unbiased information, and striving for inclusive and sustainable communities, we contribute to the wellbeing of society at large.

In Practice

Societal wellbeing refers to a community or society's overall health and flourishing. It encompasses economic well being, social cohesion, and members' happiness and satisfaction. Multiple factors contribute to someone's societal wellbeing, including economic prosperity, social connections, access to a free press, and favorable living conditions.

Economic well being plays a significant role in societal wellbeing. A thriving economy that provides employment opportunities, fair wages, and social support systems contributes to the overall welfare of individuals. Economic stability allows people to meet their basic needs, pursue personal goals, and experience a sense of security and wellbeing.

Positive social connections and social cohesion are crucial for societal wellbeing. Strong social ties, community engagement, and social support networks foster a sense of belonging, trust, and collective wellbeing. Interactions between happy and unhappy people can influence overall societal wellbeing, as positive emotions can be contagious and contribute to the wellbeing of others.

Access to a free press is vital for societal wellbeing. A free and independent press is critical in informing the public, promoting transparency, and holding institutions accountable. Further, disseminating reliable information, critical thinking, and an informed citizenry is essential for a well-functioning and healthy society.

Favorable living conditions contribute significantly to societal wellbeing. Factors such as access to quality healthcare, education, safe housing, clean environments, and adequate social services impact the overall wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Research in social psychology provides valuable insights into the factors contributing to societal wellbeing, guiding policymakers and communities in creating effective interventions and policies.

Societal wellbeing encompasses economic prosperity, social cohesion, access to a free press, and favorable living conditions. By nurturing these factors and promoting social connections, economic stability, and a free exchange of information, societies can foster a culture of wellbeing.

Research and evidence-based practices play a crucial role in understanding the complexities of societal wellbeing and guiding efforts to create thriving communities where individuals can flourish and experience a high quality of life.

Digital Wellbeing

Digital wellbeing refers to the optimal state of health and balance in one's digital life. It encompasses the mindful use of technology to enhance overall wellbeing without negatively impacting physical, mental, or social health. The following factors contribute to digital wellbeing: managing screen time, fostering healthy online interactions, and maintaining a balance between digital and real-world activities.

In Practice

Limiting screen time is crucial for physical well being and reducing the risk of digital fatigue. Taking regular breaks, using screen time management tools, and setting boundaries can help maintain a healthy balance.

Positive emotions and mental well being are fostered through supportive and respectful online interactions. Engaging in meaningful conversations and avoiding negative online behavior contribute to a positive digital environment.

Maintaining a balance between digital activities and real-world interactions supports overall well being. Engaging in physical activities, spending time outdoors, and nurturing face-to-face relationships promote a holistic approach to wellbeing.

Regularly disconnecting from digital devices can reduce stress and enhance life satisfaction. Dedicating time for offline activities helps cultivate inner peace and improves mental and emotional well being.

Digital wellbeing involves making mindful choices about technology use, fostering positive interactions, and ensuring a healthy balance between digital and offline activities. By incorporating these practices, individuals can enhance their overall quality of life and wellbeing.

Difference Between Wellness And Wellbeing

Research suggests that the distinction between wellness and wellbeing is crucial for understanding the full spectrum of health. People often use wellness and wellbeing interchangeably, yet they possess distinct nuances. Wellness typically emphasizes a proactive approach to maintaining optimal physical and mental health. It focuses on lifestyle choices, preventive measures, and self-care practices to promote health and prevent illness. Wellness encompasses healthy eating, exercise, stress management, and self-improvement.

On the other hand, wellbeing encompasses a broader, holistic perspective. It encompasses physical health and emotional, social, and psychological aspects of a person’s life. wellbeing encompasses feelings of satisfaction, fulfillment, and flourishing across various dimensions of life, including personal, social, and environmental factors. While wellness emphasizes proactive measures, wellbeing encompasses a comprehensive state of thriving and authentic happiness in all aspects of life, transcending the mere absence of illness.

Wellbeing and Overall Life Satisfaction

Wellbeing is pivotal in shaping life satisfaction as a fundamental determinant of overall contentment and fulfillment. When individuals experience a high level of wellbeing, they tend to possess a greater sense of purpose, meaning, and happiness.

Wellbeing encompasses various physical, emotional, social, and psychological dimensions, collectively contributing to an individual’s overall satisfaction with life.

By nurturing their wellbeing, individuals can cultivate positive emotions, foster meaningful relationships, maintain optimal physical health, and develop a sense of personal growth and accomplishment. Understanding and prioritizing wellbeing allows individuals to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, establish a sense of balance, and pursue a fulfilling and satisfying existence.

Incorporating insights from "Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being" can further enhance our grasp on life satisfaction, offering a groundbreaking perspective on achieving and sustaining wellbeing.

Where and How to Seek Help

  1. Local mental health services: Contact a local mental health clinic or community health center to inquire about available counseling services, support groups, and resources in the area.

  2. Employee assistance programs: These programs provide confidential counseling services, referrals, and resources to support employee wellbeing.

  3. Online mental health platforms: Websites and mobile apps like BetterHelp, Talkspace, and 7 Cups offer convenient access to licensed therapists through text, video, or phone sessions, making mental health support accessible from the comfort of one’s home.

  4. Crisis hotlines: National and local crisis hotlines provide immediate assistance to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress.

  5. Self-help books and websites: Explore self-help books and reputable websites that offer evidence-based strategies for improving mental health, coping with stress, and enhancing overall wellbeing. Examples include "Feeling Good" by David D. Burns.

  6. Community centers and nonprofit organizations: Many community centers and nonprofit organizations offer workshops, support groups, and wellness programs focused on wellbeing, such as physical health, mindfulness, and stress reduction.

  7. Online resources from health authorities: Government health websites provide valuable information on mental health, wellness, and resources for seeking help.

  8. Social support networks: Contact trusted friends, family members, or support groups in the local community. Sharing experiences, seeking advice, and receiving emotional support from others can positively impact overall wellbeing.


What Is wellbeing? Definition, Types, and wellbeing Skills | Psychology Today Canada

Wellbeing is more than happiness and life satisfaction: a multidimensional analysis of 21 countries | Health and Quality of Life Outcomes

Wellbeing - Better Health Channel

Well-being - Wikipedia


The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any health-related changes or if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Anahana is not liable for any errors, omissions, or consequences that may occur from using the information provided.